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P.S: the books I have read in 2017, not the release date
P.P.S: these are not really reviews, they are simply reasons why I like these books so much


series by​ Sarah J. Maas













by Sarah J. Maas















by Leigh Bardugo












by Cassandra Clare












by Robert Galbraith



I read the entirety of the 'Throne of Glass' series this year and I love it!! The series is one of my absolute favorite books (maybe even 'the' favorite). The plot is an epic amalgamation of fantasy, darkness, humor and just overall page turning magnificence. Even the characters in themselves are amazing: Celaena is a BAD-ASS, Dorian is like the useful version of Prince Charming (with just a bit of darkness... yep just a bit...), Chaol is, man he is f-i-r-e ðŸ”¥ and Rowan is simply *swoon*. And Manon obviously with her bone chilling amazing persona. I would mention Aedion and Lysandra but if I get started on that duo or any of the other side characters this is will turn into a full on review so- anyways read it, loved it, idolized it, the whole shebang. 

What can I say, Sarah J. Maas is a blessing I happened to discover in 2017 (good thing too I think I would have died if I'd had to wait for all the books; the anticipation for the last book of TOG alone is heart wrenching). ACOTAR is another series that I absolutely love. Admittedly about the beginning 60% of the first book is an absolute drag, so much so that I almost could not believe that Sarah J. Maas had written it and I almost did not finish it. But then I read the ending and OH MY SWEET LORD! IT WAS SO GOOD! So I read the whole series and well here I am. When I was contemplating which out of ACOMAF and ACOWAR I liked better I almost could not do it (I shamefully admit considering Goodread ratings to determine the winner...). However at the end ACOMAF won by a small margin probably because it held the introduction of the whole crew. So overall I think this is an amazing read and worth the slow beginning that I feel it possesses.

I read 'Six of Crows' in the start of 2017 and it was love at first read. This book is the perfect blend of everything I crave in a good read: fantasy, humor, darkness, strong willed characters, bromance everything! I relish the intricate connections forged between the characters and the impossible devious plots which made my heart beat madly until they were over. Another aspect of this book which delighted me is the fact that despite the minimal emphasis on romance it portrays the insecurities and problems faced by people and how romance is not the only kind of love which can touch a person's heart; sometimes what people really require is a friend.

At first I kind of felt like I was betraying Jace and Clary (from The Mortal Instruments) because I felt I liked Emma and Julian more... but later I knew I liked them more and I couldn't even feel guilty anymore because they are so damn adorable! I love Emma's sass and Julian's resilience. Even the plot is engaging and the friendship and bond between the characters is irresistible. Not to mention Mark's adorableness (I feel like I should use a synonym but that's the only word that seems to describe what I want). Everything seems to come together effortlessly and weave an incredible tale of magic and love.

One thing you guys should know about me, I'm a sucker for a suspenseful mystery and good old fashioned detective work. I mean my favorites book series as a kid was Nancy Drew. So suffice to say 'The Cuckoo's Calling' was an experience of immense enjoyment for me. Plus it didn't hurt that the author is J.K Rowling (using a pseudonym) who is basically one of my favorite authors.The mystery alone was a complex miscellany of clues and intrigue. Add that to the underlying tension between Strike and Robin and BAM! Insta-love <3

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